Thursday, October 18, 2012

Do You Love Me?

In General Conference and yesterday at a missionary training meeting, I learned about the importance of showing our Savior how much we love Him.

In Elder Holland's memorable talk, "The First Great Commandment," Elder Holland recounts the history of the apostles who returned to fishing after the Savior left the earth, and His appearance to them on the shores of the Sea of Galilee. Jesus taught them that they were to continue to feed His sheep if they truly did love Him. Elder Holland stated, "So we have neighbors to bless, children to protect, the poor to lift up, and the truth to defend. We have wrongs to make right, truths to share, and good to do. In short, we have a life of devoted discipleship to give in demonstrating our love of the the Lord. We can't quit and we can't go back. After an encounter with the living Son of the living God, nothing is ever again to be as it was before. The Crucifixion, Atonement, and Resurrection of Jesus Christ mark the beginning of a Christian life, not the end of it."

Like many others, this talk really struck me. The Natural Man wants to be comfortable, to return to the known and familiar, and to be lazy. It's obvious that I can't succumb to the natural man as a missionary, but neither can we as disciples of Jesus Christ!

One of the shortest, simplest, and yet most powerful hymns in our LDS Hymn Book is "Love One Another." Watch and listen to this beautiful arrangement sung at a Priesthood session of General Conference last week.

As I Have Loved You
Love One Another
This New Commandment
Love One Another
By this Shall Men Know
Ye Are My Disciples
If ye Have Love
One to Another.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Come, Listen to a Prophet's Voice

Sorry, I've been slacking on sharing the hymns and music of my faith and testimony. General Conference begins in TWO days, and I am so excited! This morning, Sister Hill were studying the commandment, "Follow the Prophet." We read and discussed how truth is always the same, even though the world may change, and that God has always called and ordained prophets to lead His people on the earth. Jesus Christ organized His church with apostles and prophets, who direct the church by revelation.

In these latter-days, The Lord called a prophet once again to lead His Church.  The President of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is a living prophet. I know this is true.

We must have faith in our prophet and follow His teachings. If we do, we will be blessed. "Those who listen to and follow the counsel of living prophets and apostles will not go astray. The teachings of living prophets provide an anchor of eternal truth in a world of shifting values and help us avoid misery and sorrow. The confusion and strife of the world will not overwhelm us, and we can enjoy the assurance of being in harmony with God’s will" (Preach My Gospel, 75).

What an incredible promise!!  Click here to find out when and where to watch General Conference.

Come, Listen to a Prophet's Voice
"Come, listen to a Prophet's voice, And hear the word of God.
And in the way of truth rejoice, and sing for joy aloud.
We've found the way the prophets went who lived in days of yore.
Another prophet now is sent, this knowledge to restore.

"The gloom of sullen darkness spread Thru earth’s extended space
Is banished by our living Head, And God has shown his face.
Thru erring schemes in days now past The world has gone astray;
Yet Saints of God have found at last The straight and narrow way.

"’Tis not in man they put their trust Nor on his arm rely.
Full well assured, all are accursed Who Jesus Christ deny.
The Savior to his people saith, “Let all my words obey,
And signs shall follow living faith, Down to the latest day.”

"Then heed the words of truth and light That flow from fountains pure.
Yea, keep His law with all thy might Till thine election’s sure,
Till thou shalt hear the holy voice Assure eternal reign,
While joy and cheer attend thy choice, As one who shall obtain."